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Candida Gräfin von Hardenberg

professional – competent

Candida Gräfin von Hardenberg | attorney at law, LL.M. (USA) | certified mediator (USA)


  • Off-Councel at WR Legal, Düsseldorf

    since 2021

  • Off-Councel at CLP, Düsseldorf

    since 2019

  • Working as independent attorney at law („vonHardenberg-legal"), Düsseldorf / Stuttgart

    since 2012

  • Teaching assignment at Pontificia Universidat Católica de Chile, in Santiago de Chile, regarding negotiation and mediation in the English language


  • Teaching assignment at Universität Adolfo Ibañez, in Santiago de Chile, regarding negotiation and mediation in the English language


  • Attorney at law with Lovells (now Hogan) in Duesseldorf, Germany Focus on contract drafting, patent-, trademark and employee invention law, in particular in the context of M&A, licensing, joint ventures and cooperation as well as service agreements.


  • Foreign associate in the international law firm Kirkland & Ellis, Chicago, USA focusing on intellectual property and non-litigious matters, i.e. negotiation and contract drafting with respect to M&A, licensing and joint ventures


  • Part-time assignment as mediator for the Centre of Conflict Resolution at the Civil Court, Chicago, USA (in charge of all court mediations in the Chicago area)


  • Working as attorney at law in Germany

    Seit 2002

  • Part-time legal clerk with the international law firm Pünder Volhard Weber & Axster in Düsseldorf and Berlin (merged with Clifford Chance)



  • Studies of law at University of Heidelberg und at Humboldt University Berlin


  • Second part of legal education („Referendarausbildung") in Duesseldorf and Berlin (final exam, top 20%)


  • LL.M. at Northwestern University, Chicago, USA, School of Law and Kellogg School of Management with relevant course work in intellectual property, M&A, negotiation und mediation (GPA: 4.0 (A), Honors: top 5%)


  • Education to become certified mediator with the Center for Conflict Resolution, Chicago, USA
